Investment Thesis Report: Dementia Care and the GUIDE Model
Being an extremely complex disease with a wide variety of symptoms, dementia presents a significant challenge to healthcare systems and families close to those suffering. The symptoms far exceed expected cognitive decline from aging and affect functions such as memory, comprehension, learning capacity, and behavior. As a result, the current landscape of the dementia space is highly fragmented, making it difficult for patients to find care best-suited to their needs. Additionally, innovation in the space has traditionally been difficult with R&D for novel drugs remaining low through the years. Consequently, caretakers and families of a person who has dementia are largely unprepared compared to other diseases. With a wide variety of approaches to treat the disease at different stages, the economic impact far exceeds other diseases, but also presents a massive opportunity for improvement.
Thanks to Matt Lombardi for authoring this overview of the dementia space and the new CMS GUIDE program.
Click here for a direct link to the investment thesis report (PDF).